Can You See It?

"...Write the vision, and make it plain..." Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

The end of 2021 seems to have come so quickly. As we enter a new year, there is always so much promise of what the future holds. While we shouldn't dwell on the past, reflecting upon where we have been can aid us in where we are going to do what God has called us to do. 

Though journaling and blogging, I'm able to reflect upon the messages that God has spoken to me over these last couple of years since the inception of Authentic Existence®. 

In 2019, the theme was preparation. It's important to be ready to receive what God has for us. It may not happen when or how we want it, but it will happen. Move when God says move; wait when He says wait. Throughout the process, He will show us our growth if we look to Him to recognize it. 

This transitioned well into the message of 2020 - to look to God for everything. We can see God in everything around us, showing us His nature and faithfulness. By trusting Him, we are able to surrender and believe what He says about us to do what He wants to do in and through us. 

2021 has been focused on moving forward. He told me this would be the year of His favor and He truly has set me free (Luke 4; Isaiah 61). Only by getting ready to receive from Him and looking to Him to lead the way have I been able to let go of fear and keep the faith to experience so much growth this past year through Authentic Existence®. 

My vision for 2022 is to be unlimited. Through Authentic Existence®, I see people all around the world finding freedom in Christ. I see improved race relations. I see the next generation turning away from the ways of the world to use their gifts and talents for Jesus. He will give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). By wholeheartedly trusting the Lord to direct my path (Proverbs 3:5-6), I am believing for Him to do infinitely more that what I can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)! 

Close your eyes and let the power of the Holy Spirit open the eyes of your heart! What does God want to do through you? Can you see it? Now capture it! It will be!

Have a Happy New Year! Many blessings in 2022 and always! 

Heavenly Father, thank You for saving us through Jesus, giving us the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us in all that You want us to do. May we seek and obey You always to know and become more like You so we can completely trust You and Your plan for us. Give us the wisdom to look to You for what it is You would have us to do with the gifts and talents You have bestowed upon us. May we write the vision to make it plain as You have said in Your Word, positioning us to receive all that You have for us. May we always come to You in prayer and thanksgiving along the way. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen

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1 comment

  • May God continue to bless you to bless others through your reflections! Happy 2022🎉


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